Facts about Hovden

Bykle is the northernmost municipality in Agder.

Bykle has two equally sized village centers, Hovden and Bykle kyrkjebygd.

Population: 1024
Area: 1467km²

Highest peak is Sæbyggjenuten at 1507 meters above sea level.

Travel to Hovden

You can reach Hovden by bys or car. we are located in the middle of southern Norway and serve as a natural meeting point between the east, west and south.


With buss

With Entur – national travel planner (website or app), you can search for trips and get options from all public transport companies across the country. Not all routes allow you to buy tickets here, but you will find links to the relevant bus companies.

However, complete routes between Oslo and Hovden do not always appear, so you need to know that NOR-WAY Bussekspress corresponds with Agder Kollektivtrafikk in Haukeli. We reserve the right to make changes, so check before you travel.

It is recommended to buy tickets online or via the app before departure. Online tickets are often cheaper than buying tickets on the bus.

Some have additional products that must be pre-booked (child seat, bringing a bicycle/extra luggage, etc.), so check the operator's website if necessary.


From Kristiansand

he bus trip from Kristiansand takes about 3 hours and 40 minutes. The bus runs 2-3 times a day and is operated by Agder Kollektivtrafikk. The bus has ample space for ski equipment, bicycles, and other gear.

See timetable


From Arendal

The bus trip from Arendal takes about 4 hours and 40 minutes.

See timetable


From Bergen

There is a daily bus from Bergen to Hovden.

Check times on NOR-WAY bussekspress or Entur 

From Oslo

There is a daily bus from Oslo to Hovden.

Check times on NOR-WAY bussekspress or Entur 

With car

See the route from your location here:

Google maps

From airports

From Gardermoen

There is a daily bus from Oslo central station. From Gardemoen to Oslo central station, you can either take a bus or train.

From Torp airport Sandefjord

There is a daily bus from Torp Airport to Hovden.


Distance and traveltime to Hovden

Oslo – 277 km / ca 4 h
Drammen - 234 km / ca 3 h
Larvik - 225 km / ca 3,5 h
Arendal - 228 km / ca 3,5 h
Kristiansand – 213 km / ca 3 h
Stavanger (via Suldal) – 281 km / ca 4,5 h
Stavanger (via Suleskar) – 224 km / ca 3,5 h