Shopping and service
Here you can see all the different businesses and industries located in Hovden and Bykle. Hovden center is a small and compact village with a rich selection of shops, restaurants, and service companies.
Bykle municipality also has a thriving business community with craftsmen, contractors, and service providers of various kinds. We encourage supporting local businesses.
Other services
- Service
- Bykle Breiband / 909 50 900
- Frisørkroken / 379 39 926
- Hovden Fysioterapi / 479 76 731
- Hovden Tannklinikk / 378 85 588
- KT Renhold / 450 31 429
- Merkant AS / 991 69 447
- Otralaft Hytteservice / 950 68 503
- Recto Hovden AS (solskjerming) / 950 68 503
- Sparebanken Sør / 381 09 200
- Eiendom, Salg, Utvikling og Boligutleie
- EXBO / 926 37 843
- Vestheisen/vestebakken
- Hovden Utleie / 930 87 780
- Krogsveen / 379 39 380
- Otralaft Hytteservice / 908 47 780
- Setesdalshytta
- Bygg, elektro og rørlegger
- Bykle bygg / 915 61 055
- Bykle Vindu AS / 379 39 300
- Byggmester Jonas Bjåen Egeland / 906 69 372
- Launes Entreprenør AS / 923 58 421
- R. Jegteberg AS / 909 92 680
- Otralaft AS / 908 47 780
- Knut Hovet Innstallasjonar / 909 55 050
- Setesdal Elektro AS / 482 82 993
- Hovden Rørleggerservice / 913 83 321
- Uppstad VVS, avd. Hovden / 414 30 760
- Graving, snørydding, og transport
- Bygdeservice Bykle AS / 911 45 603
- Hovden Hytteservice AS / 379 39 551
- Uleberg Maskin og Transport / 901 00 448
- Uleberg og Trydal Maskin / 994 66 385